Getting your child ready for school - Preschool Program
19 Nov
What does a Transition to School program involve? Transition to school is also known as a Preschool Program or School Readiness. This program aims to assist children to have a positive transition to kindergarten.
Foundations for success involves developing skills in literacy, numeracy, self care, social competence, self esteem and resilience. At Engadine Kindy Castle our main objectives include;
1. Developing social skills
2. Understanding emotions and self regulating feelings
3. Develop self esteem through focusing on child’s strengths and highlighting achievements
4. Familiarize children with a school environment
5. To increase awareness of a school routines, rules, and expectations; and
6. To develop realistic expectations of "big school".
Our Preschool Program is reviewed with families, staff and local school teachers. Children milestones, interests, strenghts and abilities are also considered when reviewing and implementing our program. Children are given a wide range of experiences and activities to practice various skills.